My second song is now available on all Music Platforms worldwide.- STREAM or BUY

All about QUANTUN TRIPPER – Lyrics y Playlist

With this second Track that will be part of my first album; I seek to address another sound and concept; both in lyrics and in musical composition.- One of the criticisms they made me was what best defines this song: "it begins with a melody that may have reminiscences of Nordic Folk; but suddenly a rap explodes with BEATS in TRAP or HIP HOP mode" and this mash-up of styles - that only a daring experimental can come up with - make QUANTUM TRIPPER's Groove really take you on a journey of dopes beats.-


Quantum Tripper

This is the last song I wrote for the album; I was thinking about creating something else, with another style, totally opposite and different but I heard an incredible theory about quantum trips and it seemed so dope that it was an instant inspiration.- Like other tracks on the album; it has arrangements with trumpets and a piano and string melody that I composed; maybe it's one of my favorites.- In this song I chose to sing with a combination of voices; one sleepy and one broken and weird; generating a contrast that I love.-

RELEASE DATE: 06/01/2021

We create a PLAYLIST as a COMPLEMENT; so that you can hear this song within a context.- If you want to connect with the mood of the single and enjoy a musical concept; Give a full listen to a selection of songs featuring artists like DEPECHE MODE; MADONNA; MILEY CYRUS; FIONA APPLE; PORTISHEAD; THE WEEKND; DAVID BOWIE; BJÖRK; MOBY; LOU REED or even DUA LIPA; MASSIVE ATTACK and SIOUXSIE.-

PLAYLIST: Quantum Tripper / Complements
